1. | savage; cruel; inhuman: a brutal attack on the village. |
2. | crude; coarse: brutal language. |
3. | harsh; ferocious: brutal criticism; brutal weather. |
4. | taxing, demanding, or exhausting: They're having a brutal time making ends meet. |
5. | irrational; unreasoning. |
6. | of or pertaining to lower animals. |
At a project a few years ago, I apparently indicated some aspect of the work to be done was ‘brutal’ and someone asked if I watched the Adult Swim show Metalocalypse. The writeup here is pretty accurate, it’s a cartoon show about a fictional scandanavian heavy/death metal band filled with references to everything bad (and good) out there. The band decides to do things more or less based on how brutal they are. Therefore, everytime I come across this show I have to wait for someone to say something is BRUTAL before I can move on to other activities. There is a particular character who says it with a low growl that really sets it aside as a different word altogether. I would have included just a clip, but without context the clips are found are unusual and possibly disturbing. I’ll leave you to your own devices to research this further.
So why brutal?
I was called into a meeting at 8am yesterday. I don’t have a train that gets in anywhere close to 8am. I have one that arrives at 7 though. I get on this train at 5:54. I woke up at 5. It was freezing cold, I skipped the shower. The request and execution were BRUTAL.

M has already documented our taxman situation. I will not belabor this. Now we have to pay a not insignificant excise tax. What gives, O tax man? What did we do to you? We voted for Obama, we’re willing to pay our share to raise all the boats. Hell, I’m even willing to pay for the nimrod sitting at home with his 52 inch TV in his foreclosed house, because I’m in the right. You jumped on us pretty fast and hard though. BRUTAL.
I watched a truly excellent movie recently, Gone Baby Gone. Ben Affleck directed, so this had the potential to be truly brutal. It had a decent cast and was set in the grittier areas of Boston, near and dear to my heart. The plot revolves around a kidnapped child. All the happy bits are in place. This movie was incredible. Language, violence, characters. All around BRUUUUTAL. Excellent. Watch it.
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